カナダ・トロント出身のドミニカ系アーティストであるフレディ・カラスコの世界初の個展『WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME』での展示作品。
Works exhibited at the world's first solo exhibition "WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME" by Freddy Carrasco, a Dominican artist from Toronto, Canada.
* こちらの作品は、会期終了後の9月15日から1ヶ月以内の発送となります。
** こちらの作品は 、展示会場の月極と併売作品につき、キャンセルさせていただくことがございます。
*** 送料は着払いとなります。
*This work will be shipped within one month from September 15th after the exhibition ends.
** This work is also on sale at Gallery TSUKIGIME at the exhibition venue, so we may cancel your purchase.
*** Shipping charges will be paid on delivery.
Artist : Freddy Carrasco
Title : Oh
Year : 2024
Size : H323 × W254 × D65(mm)
[ Exhibition Information ]
Title:Freddy Carrasco Solo Exhibition 『WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME』
Date : 2024.08.31-09.15
Place:Tsukigime(〒152-0001 B1, 1-3-2 Chuo Meguro, Tokyo.)
[ Artist Profile ]
Freddy Carrasco / フレディ・カラスコ
After developing a visual language in the Animation industry, Freddy spent a year writing and illustrating the award winning graphic novel, GLEEM, while working on a cabbage farm in rural Japan. Since its release, he continues to explore alternative forms of creative expression. His multidisciplinary practice encompasses comics, illustration, painting, sculpture, set design and music, each medium serving as a unique conduit for artistic expression. With a profound exploration of identity, spirituality, and intimacy, Freddy Carrasco delves into the depths of the human experience.
Rooted in a personal history of being born in rural Dominican Republic, raised in Toronto and now living in Tokyo, Freddy Carrasco infuses his work with an acute understanding of cultural intersections. The struggles and triumphs of his experiences as an afro-latino, influenced by both Japanese and American cultures, resonate throughout his creations. This narrative of self-discovery and resilience forms the backbone of his artistic philosophy.
At the core of Freddy Carrasco's practice lies a belief in the transformative power of art. By exposing shared pain and struggle, he aims to foster empathy and connection among diverse audiences. Guided by principles of honesty and vulnerability, his work seeks to bridge the gaps that divide us, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of self-reflection and collective understanding.
ミュージシャン:Kanye West (2023)、Balming Tiger(2022)、Ecco2k(2022-current)、Gliiico(2021-current)
ブランド:Nike(2019, 2022)、Jordan(2022)、Fragment x Maserati(2021)、Spotify(2021)、032c(2021)、Armani
アニメーション:Pixar(2022)、Cartoon Network(2017-2019)@naze.989
Musicians:Kanye West (2023)、Balming Tiger(2022)、Ecco2k(2022-current)、Gliiico( 2021-current)
Brands:Nike(2019, 2022)、Jordan(2022)、Fragment x Maserati(2021)、Spotify(2021)、032c( 2021)、Armani(2020)、Carhartt(2019)
Animation:Pixar(2022)、Cartoon Network(2017-2019)
[ 会場ステイトメント ]
この度、ギャラリー月極ではカナダ・トロント出身のドミニカ系アーティストであるフレディ・カラスコの世界初の個展『WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME』を、8月31日(土)から9月15日(日)の会期で開催致します。 現在、東京が拠点の彼の活動はグローバルであり、その表現方法もマンガ、イラスト、写真、彫刻、音楽、絵画など多岐に渡る。そんな彼を語る上で欠かせないのが、数々の賞を受賞したことで注目を集めたグラフィック・ノベル『GLEEM』。そこに描かれた彼のドミニカ生まれトロント育ちというルーツと、アフロ・ラティーノとしてのアイデンティティから生まれたアフロ・フューチャリズム的思想、そして東京での生活と経験から得たサイバーパンクな雰囲気が融合した世界観は、多くの企業やクリエイターに評価され、様々なコラボレーションを実現してきました。 アニメーション業界でいえばPixarやCartoon Network、ファッションシーンでいえばNIKEやFragment。最も記憶に新しいものでいえば2023年に行われたカニエ・ウエストとのコラボレーション。そのどれもが「COOL」と称賛を得てきたのです。 しかし、それらのコラボレーション以降、彼はひとつの欲求に駆られました。ただ「COOL」と称され消費されるための絵を描くのではなく、人間性に寄り添い、そこから生まれたアイディアを、自分自身のフィルターを通してアートとして表現したくなったのです。 その考えをもとに、絵を描きはじめて約2年が経ちました。大きな仕事をしなくなった今、家族や友人たちは彼にこう問い掛けるようになったのです。「WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME(いつ帰ってくるの?)」。 本個展は彼にとっての本当の「HOME」を探すことが目的であり、それらのへの回答を描いたもの。誰のためでもない。自分自身に問いただすように描いていたもの。正解かはどうかわからない。しかし、彼は、どんな些細なことでも全てが因果的に繋がっていると信じて絵を描いているのです。 フレディ・カラスコの初の個展『WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME』を経て、彼が導き出す「HOME」とはなんなのか。今までの表現を捨て去り、新たに歩きはじめたフレディ・カラスコの作品たちを、ぜひ皆様にご高覧頂けますと幸いです。
Tsukigime is pleased to announce "WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME," the debut solo exhibition by Freddy Carrasco, a Dominican artist from Toronto, Canada, on view from Saturday, August 31 through Sunday, September 15, 2024.
Currently based in Tokyo, his activities are global in scope and include a wide range of expression in manga, illustration, set design, sculpture, music, and painting. One of his most pivotal works is the award-winning graphic novel "GLEEM," which has gained him a great deal of notoriety and praise among literary fans and critics, being compared to legendary authors like Moebius and Frank Miller in a review by The New York Times. His worldview is a fusion of his Dominican roots, Afro-Futurist ideas born from his upbringing in Toronto, and the cyberpunk atmosphere gained from his life in Tokyo. This unique perspective has been revered by many brands and creators, leading to a variety of collaborations. In the animation industry, Freddy has worked with esteemed studios such as Pixar and Cartoon Network, in fashion, NIKE and Fragment and most recently working as a creative consultant to Kanye West, all of these projects being praised as "COOL".
Despite these high profile collaborations, Freddy has spent the past several years being driven by a desire to reject this commercial concept of ‘cool’ and focus solely on expressing universal truths of humanity, family and culture.
After living abroad for over half a decade, his family and friends ask, "When are you coming home?”
At this stage in his life the concept of home, much like time itself, is intangible. These works are a peek into the mind of a spiritual and historical archivist at a pivotal moment in both his life and career, reflecting on the past, present and future and the emotional threads that connect us through culture and community.